How to Repair Wrought Iron Fences
Your wrought iron fence is an important part of your home. It not only looks great but it also provides security for your property. When this type of fence starts to show signs of damage, however, you may have to consider fixing it yourself instead of calling a professional. Fortunately, there are many ways that you can repair a wrought iron fence without spending a lot of money or requiring extensive experience working with metal. Below is a fence repair guide that you can consider to repair wrought iron fences:
Fix holes in the fence.
If you have a hole in your wrought iron fence, there are a few ways to fix it. The first thing you should do is make sure that the area around the hole is clean and dry. If there’s any dirt or moisture in between the pieces of metal, your repair will not hold up as well over time. Once you’ve cleaned out everything around the damaged area, use some hot glue on its own or mixed with wood filler (if needed) to fill in gaps between pieces of metal on your fence.
Paint the fence.
When painting your wrought iron fence, it is important to use rust-resistant paint. This will ensure that your fence lasts longer and doesn’t develop any unsightly rust spots or flakes. You may also want to consider using a quality brush for this task. The right kind of brush can make all the difference in how well the job turns out!
Repair rusting posts and brackets.
When it comes to repairing wrought iron fences, you may be surprised at how easy it can be. First, use a wire brush to remove rust from posts and brackets. Then sand down any rough spots using 100-grit sandpaper. Once you’ve removed all of the rust and smoothed out your post or bracket, treat it with a rust remover before priming and painting over the newly cleaned metal surface with an oil-based primer or latex paint that matches your fencing color scheme.
If you need professionals to help you repair your wrought iron fences here in Benton, AR, you may contact SR Fencing for professional fence repair services. Call us at (501) 213-3350 today!