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Suggested Fence Solution by Fence Contractors to Prevent Pests Entering Your Property

Pests Out: The Best Fence Option

The last thing you want while working hard to maintain the appearance of your garden is for bugs and wild animals to trample through your yard and destroy your efforts. With the help of a fence contractor, installing fencing is one of the greatest ways to keep these pests out of your yard. But how can you know which option is best for you when there are so many possibilities available? The most popular types of fencing for pest control are listed below.

Solid Fencing

The majority of pests won’t disturb your garden unless they can find a food supply there. A strong fence can assist in limiting their line of sight, which will reduce their desire to tamper with your fence. Solid fences are a more compassionate solution to keep pests away from your plants, even though they aren’t as effective as electric fences.

Wire Mesh Fence

Putting up a wire mesh fence with sturdy posts will help deter dogs and cats from entering your garden if you’re having trouble with them harming your plants. Similar to the chicken wire fence, make sure you tuck some of the wire under and bury it so dogs can’t dig under your fence. Make sure it is around three feet tall to prevent cats from trying to jump over your fence.

Chicken Wire Fence

A wonderful alternative for rabbit fencing is chicken wire fencing. So that rabbits can’t jump over it, you should enclose your garden with at least two feet of wire. Additionally, you must ensure that the chicken wire is curved at a 90-degree angle a few inches below the ground because rabbits can burrow.

Electric Fencing

Because it needs electricity and upkeep, electric fencing is more expensive than other types of fencing but can be quite effective at keeping pests out. Once the fence is in place, check to make sure no plant is touching it to prevent grounding out or lessening the charge.

With years of experience, trusting a professional fence contractor like SR Fencing is the right choice. If you need our quality fence installation service in Benton, AR, be sure to contact us at (501) 213-3350 right away.

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